Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween- continue font creation

You are working at creating your font.

You must create a full set of letters (26 capital letters and 26 lower case letters) that all have the same style.  They must look like they are the same font.  Browse this gallery of fonts to get ideas and to see examples.  Notice how the style of each letter is similar.

After you create each letter click on the save button to save your work.  If you do not save regularly and the computer freezes then you will lose all the work you did since the last save.

You are to be working on this project the entire class period.  Do not work on other missing/incomplete assignments.  This class time is for working on this project.  No one should be finished at this point.  If you have done all 52 letters, then you need to spend time editing/improving your font.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Creating a Font continued

You are working at creating your font.

You must create a full set of letters (26 capital letters and 26 lower case letters) that all have the same style.  They must look like they are the same font.  Browse this gallery of fonts to get ideas and to see examples.  Notice how the style of each letter is similar.

After you create each letter click on the save button to save your work.  If you do not save regularly and the computer freezes then you will lose all the work you did since the last save.

You are to be working on this project the entire class period.  Do not work on other missing/incomplete assignments.  This class time is for working on this project.  No one should be finished at this point.  If you have done all 52 letters, then you need to spend time editing/improving your font.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Creating a font

Fonts are a part of all of our lives.  Websites, books, magazines, street signs, written DMV driving tests, CAHSEE all use different fonts for displaying words and numbers.  For the next several days you are going to be creating your own font (font examples- ArialCourier,Times). 

You will be going to this site. 
You will sign up using the email account that you use for this class. 
Use the same password as your email so you won't forget it. 
You will be sent an email with a link to complete your free registration on the site (the email takes a few minutes to arrive in your inbox).

You will then proceed to create your own unique font. All 26 capital letters and all 26 lower case letters will be done by you.  Make your letters look like they are related.  Do not randomly (sloppily) design your letters.

Name your font anything (school appropriate) that you want.

Make every capital letter the same height (at least 10 blocks tall).

Use the tab menu- view- extra guides to set up a guide for the height and the width of the capital letters.  All capital letters will be the same height.  They will start on the baseline and be as tall as you determine (at least 10 blocks tall).  

Use the tab menu- view- adjacent characters to see the already created letters.

You can use the tab menu- edit- copy/paste to save time in creating some letters.  For example, after creating the capital O, copy and paste it onto the space for the capital Q.  Then, add the tail for the Q.

This will be a several day process.  I will inform you as to how you will be turning this assignment in.

Be creative and take some time to create each letter.  "Sloppily done, quickly thrown together with little thought" fonts will receive grades closer to zero than 50 or whatever this assignment ends up being worth.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Free Choice

The topic of this blog assignment is up to you.  As always it must be school appropriate.

Title the post "October 28."

The blog post must have

at least 150 words
at least 3 paragraphs
at least 2 pictures
at least 1 link

Friday, October 25, 2013


With age and experience comes wisdom generally speaking.  As we conclude Red Ribbon Week, I want you to think about all that you know involving drugs and alcohol.

What would you tell your child (if you had one) when he/she is old enough to be exposed to drugs?

This is a blog assignment.  Title the post "My Wisdom."

Must be at least 100 words.
Must be at least 2 paragraphs.
Must include at least 1 picture.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


This is Red Ribbon Week.

This is a blog assignment.  
Title the assignment "Heroin."

Go here and read the article or do an internet search and read another article about the street drug, heroin.

Write at least a 100 word response written in at least 2 paragraphs describing your opinions of the article.  Include at least 1 picture.  If you find your own article you must include a link to that article.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Prescription Drugs

This is Red Ribbon Week.

This is a blog assignment.  
Title the assignment "Prescription Drugs."

Read this article and answer the following questions.

1.   In 2012 what percent of overdose deaths in orange county involved prescription drugs, such as Vicodin, Oxycontin and Codeine?

2.   What was the percent of overdose deaths in 1999?

3.   How many people in Orange County died from prescription drug overdoses in 2012?

4.   What 4 prescription drugs listed in the article are increasingly being used, and sold, by people seeking a high, often with deadly consequences?

5.    Who is the executive producer of the film “Behind the Orange Curtain”?

6.   Eventually, the high cost of prescription drugs has also pushed users to try other drugs to match the high at a cheaper cost.  What street drug do they turn to?

7.   Do you know anyone addicted to drugs (prescribed or street drugs)?  If yes, who?

8.   Type one statement (sentence) that describes your feeling about drugs.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

For or Against

This is red ribbon week.

Go here and read the page.

This is a blog assignment.  Title your blog post "For" or "Against" corresponding to your opinion of marijuana.

Do a Google search to find other websites with information relating to this topic (include at least one link to a website that supports your opinion).  Write at least 150 words (3 paragraphs) on your opinion of marijuana.  Include at least one image (picture) that represents your opinion (for or against).

Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday's Assignment

This week is Red Ribbon Week.

Read this article.  Then do the following:

This is a blog assignment.

1.)  List the 10 reasons given in the article for why people start smoking cigarettes.  Number the reasons 1-10.

2.)  Write at least 100 words in at least 2 paragraphs about your opinion of smoking.  If you are a smoker, include the reason why you started smoking and continue to smoke?

3.)  Include at least 1 picture that is either for or against cigarette smoking that corresponds with your view.  Insert the picture in between your 2 paragraphs.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday Brain Day

This is a blog assignment. Title the post "Friday Brain Day."

For these problems use Google Drawing or a piece of scratch paper to work out the answers (especially for numbers 3 and 4). You may work with partners or in groups. Make sure that you fully explain the solutions in your blog post.

1) You are given eight glazed doughnuts. The doughnuts all weigh the same amount except for one which is heavier. You have a balancing scale at your disposal. What's the minimum number of weighings required for you to pick out the heavy doughnut every time?

2) If you roll snake eyes 2 times in a row with the same pair of dice, what is the chance of rolling snake eyes on your third roll?

3) This is a triangle game involving 10 pennies. Arrange the pennies to form a triangle. Now you must change the direction of the triangle by moving only 3 pennies.

4) I have some square tiles. Half of them are black and the other half is white. I arrange them so that the black ones form a rectangle and the white ones make a border around them one tile thick. I have no tiles left over. How many tiles do I have?

5) 97 baseball teams participate in an annual state tournament. The champion is chosen for this tournament by the usual elimination scheme.  That is, the 97 teams are divided into pairs, and the two teams of each pair play against each other.The loser of each pair is eliminated, and the remaining teams are paired up again, etc. How many games must be played to determine a champion?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

More thinking

Use the drawing program in Google Drive to figure out the answer to #3.

Post your answers in a blog post titled "More thinking."

There are several ducks in a row:
-two at the front
-two at the back
-one in the middle.

How many ducks are there in total?

During the lunch hour at school, a group of five boys from Miss Jones home room visited a nearby lunch wagon. one of the five boys took a candy bar without paying for it. When the boys were questioned by the school principal, they made the following statements in respective order: 

1. Rex: "Neither Earl nor I did it." 

2. Jack: "It was Rex or Abe." 

3. Abe: "Both Rex and Jack are lying." 

4. Dan: "Abe's statement is not true; one of them is lying and the other is speaking the truth." 

5. Earl: "What Dan said is wrong." 

When Miss Jones was consulted, she said, "Three of these boys are always truthful, but everything that two of them say will be a lie." Assuming that Miss Jones is correct, can you determine who took the candy bar?


Arrange 10 balls in 5 lines in such a way that each line contains 4 balls and only 4 balls.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Walk around progress report grades today.

Some of you have all assignments complete and have an A in this class.  Others of you have missing and/or incomplete assignments that are causing you to have less than an A (as low as an F).  If you are missing assignments, then you need to complete them if you want to improve your grade.

Late assignments will not be eligible for full credit (10).  The most you can get on a late assignment is a 9 (if it is done correctly).

Each assignment is designed to be completed in one class period.  Some of you are not completing your work, and it is reflected in your low grade.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My Favorite Band (Singer)

This is a blog assignment.

Write at least 150 words about your favorite band or singer.   The majority of this blog post will be about your opinions of the band and why they/he/she is/are your favorite.  Include details describing the genre of music and your favorite songs.

Minimum requirements
3 paragraphs
150 words
2 pictures
1 link

Monday, October 14, 2013

Google #8 Drawing

Today's assignment is the last of the "technology proficiency" assignments.  Log in to your Google account and go to Drive.

Click on create then drawing.  Rename "#8 Yourlastname."
Share with me (

You are going to explore the drawing program in Google Drive.  You will spend a full class period creating a masterpiece.

You final drawing will contains lines, shapes, colors, and letters (your name at the very least).
Your picture must be school appropriate.  
You must spend at least 45 minutes creating this assignment.

Friday, October 11, 2013

My Brain Grade

Go here and take the brain grade test.

Report your results in a blog post titled "My Brain Grade."

Thursday, October 10, 2013

More Brain Busting

At a rural cabin, you get water from a well using only a 4-gallon bucket and a 9-gallon bucket. In a single trips from the well to the cabin, describe how it is possible to get all of the whole number gallon amounts 1-13.

There are no markings on the pails.  And, you can’t do any estimating or add any markings!

Explain each trip for each gallon amount.

For example

1 gallon-  Fill the 9 gallon bucket.  Pour 4 gallons into the 4 gallon bucket and pour it out.  You now have 5 gallons in the 9 gallon bucket.  Pour 4 gallons into the 4 gallon bucket and pour it out.  You now have 1 gallon in the 9 gallon bucket.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Today's Brain Buster.


A swimming pool has four faucets. The first can fill the entire pool with water in two days, the second - in three days, the third - in four days, and the last one can fill the pool in 6 hours.

How long will it take to fill the pool using all 4 faucets together?

Hint- Using fractions is necessary.

Post the answer and explanation to your blog.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My Super Brain

This is a blog assignment.
Title the post "My Super Brain."

Each of these questions is worth 2 points.  So in order to get full credit, you must get 5 correct.  If you get all seven correct you will get extra credit.

1)  What's the largest number of U.S. coins you can have without having even change for a dollar (how many and what coins)?
You have three boxes of fruit. One contains just apples, one contains just oranges, and one contains a mixture of both. Each box is labeled -- one says "apples," one says "oranges," and one says "apples and oranges." However, it is known that none of the boxes are labeled correctly. How can you label the boxes correctly if you are only allowed to take and look at just one piece of fruit from just one of the boxes?
3)  You have a jug that holds five gallons, and a jug that holds three gallons. You have no other containers, and there are no markings on the jugs. You need to obtain exactly seven gallons of water from a faucet. How can you do it?
Second Problem: You need exactly four gallons. How do you do it?

4)  Mary's mum has four children.
The first child is called April.
The second May.
The third June.
What is the name of the fourth child?
5)  Cathy has twelve black socks and twelve white socks in her drawer.
In complete darkness, and without looking, how many socks must she take from the drawer in order to be sure to get a pair that match?
6)  A frog is at the bottom of a 30 meter well. Each day he summons enough energy for one 3 meter leap up the well. Exhausted, he then hangs there for the rest of the day. At night, while he is asleep, he slips 2 meters backwards. How many days does it take him to escape from the well?
Note: Assume after the first leap that his hind legs are exactly three meters up the well. His hind legs must clear the well for him to escape.
7)  You are trapped in a room with two doors. One leads to certain death and the other leads to freedom. You don't know which is which.
There are two robots guarding the doors. They will let you choose one door but upon doing so you must go through it.
You can, however, ask one robot one question. The problem is one robot always tells the truth ,the other always lies and you don't know which is which.
What is the question you ask? What will the other robot say is the certain death door?

The liar robot will tell you a lie about the truth. The truth robot will tell you the truth about a lie. That is the door that you go in.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Google #7 Business Cards

Click on this link.
Choose a template for your business card.
Rename the document to "#7 Yourlastname"
Share with
Edit 1 business card with your correct information.
Copy and Paste that onto the rest of the cards on the page.

You business card must have 
your first and last name
full address (can be fake)
phone # w/area code
email address

Thursday, October 3, 2013

My Favorite Hobby

This is a blog assignment.

Write at least 150 words about your favorite hobby (an activity that you do for fun).  You can briefly summarize the hobby in a few sentences (no more than 3).  The majority of this blog post will be about your opinions of the hobby and why it is your favorite.

Minimum requirements
3 paragraphs
150 words
2 pictures
1 link (to a related website)